This is one of my FAVORITE challenges.

I love ByAnnie patterns. We were challenged to make a bag. I made 2.

We got to choose our fabric for the bag: here are my choices. The fabric line is Midnight Dazzle by Kathy Engle.

I quilted the main fabric to the lining with Soft and Stable in the center of the quilt sandwich. It makes for a really nice bag that holds up well.

I did design the quilting pattern, something simple but fun. It is visible in the close up pics.
Then comes the fun, cutting and organizing all the parts.
ByAnnie makes it easy if you label everything as directed in the pattern.

The labels are very important!
The assembly then begins.
There are videos to assist you, and even though I have made several bags from ByAnnie, I watch every video.

There are a LOT of zippers. They are easy to install.

The removable pages are the first to assemble. Some have mesh and some have heavy clear vinyl.
Then the front and the back.

and then straps, and the finished pages.

The main zipper strip.
While I made this in July, I did not notice until late September that I installed the zipper to the outside not the inside. That is, the WHOLE zipper is visible instead of just the center. I have looked at hundreds of this bag made in the last few months and never ever noticed this. There is a very active FB group for the ByAnnie patterns and loads of this bag have been made.
SO, since I never noticed it, I decided it is a design choice that I made on purpose.

Wonder clips are your best friend here.
You will need a load of them.

I stitch all my bags on my Juki machine. It is a heavy duty semi industrial machine.

Adding the strap that will hold the removable pages

The hardware makes this bag amazing.

I had enough quilted fabric to make a Take a Stand bag. I did use a different fabric for the binding.

The inside of Take a Stand: some mesh pockets. The outside has zipper pockets.

I love them!

I took them to an event that I taught at for my HandiQuilter Educator job. The take a stand had my purse stuff and my lunch. The Place for Everything had my tools, handouts ,stencils and other teaching tools as well as my computer.

A whole classroom full of longarm quilting machines,

Thanks for letting my share some fun with you!
a little video of the bags:
Thanks to my sponsors:
Disclosure: The products featured here were provided to me free of charge by Island Batik and ByAnnie
Megan Best ~ Bestquilter
Pamela Boatright ~ Pamelaquilts
Elizabeth DeCroos ~ Epida Studio
Jennifer Eubank ~ Archipelago Quilting
Jennifer Fulton ~ The Inquiring Quilter
Preeti Harris ~ Sew Preeti Quilts
Joanne Hart ~ Unicorn Harts
Mania Hatziioannidi ~ Mania for quilts
Emily Leachman ~ The Darling Dogwood
Denise Looney ~ For The Love Of Geese
Leah Malasky ~ Quilted Delights
Sally Manke ~ Sally Manke, Fiber Artist
Maryellen McAuliffe ~ Mary Mack Made Mine
Claudia Porter ~ Create with Claudia
Gail Renna ~ Quilt Haven Threads
Brianna Roberts ~ Sew Cute And Quirky
Michelle Roberts ~ Creative Blonde
Gail Sheppard ~ Quilting Gail
Andi Stanfield ~ True Blue Quilts
Jennifer Thomas ~ CurliCue Creations
Janet Yamamoto ~ Whispers of Yore
Its 2021 and even though things are looking up, we are still in the midst of a Pandemic. We really need to find some joy. The bright colors and act of creating with fabric can bring so much joy in a stressful time. I will continue to create while I am just beginning to start traveling and teaching. Follow me on Instagram to find more fun and colorful quilt projects (and some gardening and cooking too!). @bestquilter
#juki #omnigrid #islandbatik #handiquilter #islandbatikambassador #islandbatik #iloveislandbatik #byannie #patternsbyannie
Your bags came out lovely! Every post I read, I want to make more bags! Have a great day.